The majority of this map's data comes from world bank data, an internationally authorized and credible data source. Some of data comes from other sources due to lack of availability of world bank data(specifically, Somalia's data comes from "Trading Economics" and data of Myanmar comes from "UNdata"), but their credibility is also acceptable. In addition, some data are absent from this map because they are not available in world bank. (American Samoa, Andorra, Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, Cuba, Curacao, Djibouti, Frech Polenesia, Guam, Isle of Man, Korea.Dem.Rep, New Caledonis, NOrthern Mariana Islands, San Marino, St. Martin, Turks and Caicos Islands, Virgin Islands, and West Bank and Gaza)
I am Wang Xiaoning from Henan Experimental High School, and wish this map can illustrate you information you need. By a visulization of data set, I wish it is more interesting to read.
11 years ago