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  • Society

    Youth Development Index 2016

    Youth Development Index 2016

    This chart shows Youth Development Index 2016. Youth development can be achieved even in lowincome countries by providing quality education and training and al ...
    3.67 rating | 6,561 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Divorce Statistics by Country

    Divorce Statistics by Country

    This chart shows Divorce Statistics by Country. Divorce is the termination of a marriage or marital union, the canceling and/or reorganizing of the legal dutie ...
    3.75 rating | 30,039 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Top Ten Countries with Most Strikes and Lockouts

    Top Ten Countries with Most Strikes and Lockouts

    This chart shows Top Ten Countries With Most Strikes And Lockouts. Strike action, also called labor strike, labour strike, or simply strike, is a work stoppage ...
    3.73 rating | 17,380 views | 2 Comments
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Ethnic,Linguistic,Religious - Fractionalization

    Ethnic,Linguistic,Religious - Fractionalization

    This chart shows Ethnic,Linguistic,Religious - Fractionalization by Country. Fractionalization measures are computing the probability that two randomly drawn i ...
    2.80 rating | 9,533 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Government Framework for Gender Equality

    Government Framework for Gender Equality

    This chart shows Government Framework for Gender Equality. Gender equality, also known as sex equality, gender egalitarianism, sexual equality, or equality of ...
    3.46 rating | 6,722 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Global Go To Think Tank Index

    Global Go To Think Tank Index

    This chart shows Global Distribution of Think Tanks by Country. Think tanks are public-policy research analysis and engagement organizations that generate poli ...
    2.00 rating | 6,640 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Good Society Index by Country

    Good Society Index by Country

    This chart shows Good Society Index by Country. A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing th ...
    2.82 rating | 8,066 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Social Progress Index 2016

    Social Progress Index 2016

    This Chart  Shows Social Progress Index 2016. The Social Progress Index (SPI), developed by the Social Progress Imperative, measures the extent to which c ...
    4.33 rating | 8,426 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    The Kids Rights Index

    The Kids Rights Index

    This chart shows The Kids Right Index By Country. A child or Kid is a person who is not an adult yet, or who has not reached puberty. A baby that is not yet bo ...
    3.15 rating | 8,245 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Global Peace Index - 2016

    Global Peace Index - 2016

    This chart shows Global Peace Index 2016. The Global Peace Index (GPI) is an attempt to measure the relative position of nations' and regions' peacefuln ...
    3.74 rating | 11,309 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Female Entrepreneurship Index

    Female Entrepreneurship Index

    This chart shows Female Entrepreneurship Index by Country. Female entrepreneurs, also known as women entrepreneurs, encompass approximately 1/3 of all entrepre ...
    3.75 rating | 10,623 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Brideprice / Dowry by Country

    Brideprice / Dowry by Country

    This chart shows Bride price / Dowry  by Country. Bride price, best called bridewealth,also known as bride token, is money, property, or other form of weal ...
    4.02 rating | 44,400 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Cost of Living Index 2016

    Cost of Living Index 2016

    This chrt shows Cost Of Living Index 2016. Cost of living is the cost of maintaining a certain standard of living. Changes in the cost of living over time are ...
    3.67 rating | 13,435 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Political Stability and Absence of Violence/terrorism

    Political Stability and Absence of Violence/terrorism

    This map shows "Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by ...
    3.90 rating | 26,097 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Government Effectiveness

    Government Effectiveness

    This map shows "Government Effectiveness", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which refle ...
    4.45 rating | 21,266 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
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