This graph shows the number of Police Deaths in 2014, by State, and also by cause of death.
There were over 130 documented Police Deaths in the year 2014, and almost 40% of these were cause by Gunfire.
Most, if not all of these Police Deaths were unjustified. Compare that to the 1 - 2% of Civilian and Criminal Deaths that were unjustified.
Police, by choice of profession, are forced into a highly dangerous environment, and they have sworn to uphold the lives of our citizens. Based on statistics, they have done an exceptional job, some even to the point of losing their own lives.
Police brutality, and unjustified deaths caused by the police is of course a terrible thing, and those involved should be justly punished for their crimes. However, don't pool the 1 - 2% with the 98 - 99%.
9 years ago