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Global Distribution of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops

Global Distribution of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops
RankCountry2010 – Area (million hectares)2009 – Area (million hectares)Biotech CropsNote
1USA66.864Soybean, Maize, Cotton, Canola, Squash, Payaya, Alfalfa, Sugarbeet
2Brazil25.421.4Soybean, Maize, Cotton
3Argentina22.921.3Soybean, Maize, Cotton
5Canada8.88.2Maize, Soybean, Canola, Sugarbeet
6China3.53.7Cotton, Tomato, Poplar, Payaya, Sweet Pepper
9South africa2.22.1Soybean, Maize, Cotton
10Uruguay1.10.8Maize, Soybean
12Australia0.70.3Cotton, Canola
15Burkina Faso0.30.1Cotton
17Mexico0.10.1Cotton, Soybean
18Chile0.10.1Maize, Soybean, Canolaless than 0.05
19Colombia0.10.1Cottonless than 0.05
20Honduras0.10.1Maizeless than 0.05
21Czech Republic0.10.1Maize, Potatoless than 0.05
22Portugal0.10.1Maizeless than 0.05
23Romania0.10.1Maizeless than 0.05
24Poland0.10.1Maizeless than 0.05
25Costa Rica0.10.1Cotton, Soybeanless than 0.05
26Egypt0.10.1Maizeless than 0.05
27Slovakia0.10.1Maizeless than 0.05
28Sweden0.1Potatoless than 0.05
29Germany0.1Potatoless than 0.05
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