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EU Crude Oil Imports (2001 to 2011)

Figures represent percentage of total imports into the EU by volume. 2011 data is only available for the first 3 months. Data is available at the Directorate General for Energy's Statistics and Market Observatory.     

Figures represent volume of total imports into the EU (in 1000 bbl). 2011 data is only available for the first 3 months. Data is available at the Directorate General for Energy's Statistics and Market Observatory. 

Figures represent volume of flared gas from satellite data (in billion of cubic meters). Data for US and Russia is combined i.e. it includes Alaska for the US and Khanty-Mansiysk for Russia. Data is available at the National Oceanic and Atmosphe ...

Figures represent volume of flared gas from satellite data (in standard cubic feet per barrel). Data for US and Russia is combined i.e. it includes Alaska for the US and Khanty-Mansiysk for Russia. Flaring data is available at the National Ocean ...

Volume of Imports (1000 bbl)

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