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Worldwide Retail Prices of Diesel (US cents per litre)

Worldwide Retail Prices of Diesel (US cents per litre)
Country NameNov – 201020082006NoteNote 1
Venezuela, RB1.10.00.0Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Iran, Islamic Rep. High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Saudi Arabia6.70.10.1Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Bahrain130.130.13Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Libya130.120.1Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Algeria190.20.19Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Qatar190.19Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Turkmenistan200.20.0Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Kuwait210.20.21Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Yemen, Rep.230.170.28Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Trinidad and Tobago0.24Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Brunei Darussalam240.210.21Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Ecuador280.270.39Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Egypt, Arab Rep.320.20.12Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Oman380.380.39Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Angola430.390.36Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Sudan430.450.49Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Syrian Arab Republic450.530.13Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Indonesia510.460.44Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Kazakhstan510.720.45Very High Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of diesel is below the price for crude oil on world market.
Bolivia540.530.47Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Azerbaijan560.560.41Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Iraq56Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Malaysia560.530.4Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Guinea-BissauDiesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Bangladesh630.70.45Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Sri Lanka660.750.55Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
United Arab Emirates710.520.53Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Sao Tome and PrincipeDiesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Mexico720.540.52Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Russian Federation720.860.66Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Jordan730.610.45Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Gambia, The0.751.0Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Lebanon770.760.62Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Nigeria771.130.66Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Panama770.680.6Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Vietnam770.770.53Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Puerto Rico0.78Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Ethiopia780.890.62Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Kyrgyz Republic780.880.54Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Myanmar800.520.75Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Bhutan82Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
India820.70.75Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Tunisia820.840.57Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Ghana830.90.84Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Maldives83Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Uzbekistan830.750.54Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Congo, Rep.840.570.67Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Philippines840.810.67Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
United States840.780.69Diesel SubsidiesThe retail price of disel is above the price for crude oil on world market and below the price level of the international minimum benchmark.
Guatemala850.820.64Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Guyana850.85Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Belarus861.10.55Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Mozambique861.371.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Morocco880.830.87Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Haiti0.89Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
El Salvador890.810.8Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Gabon0.90.39Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Papua New Guinea0.9Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Timor-Leste901.350.88Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Nepal910.820.73Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Tajikistan9110.74Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Honduras920.80.73Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Pakistan920.770.64Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Ukraine920.960.87Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Sierra Leone940.910.98Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Colombia950.730.57Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Guinea951.00.82Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Korea, Dem. Rep.0.950.79Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Thailand950.640.65Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Antigua and Barbuda960.85Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Liberia961.00.85Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Botswana971.00.74Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Costa Rica971.10.67Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Lao PDR970.760.73Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
New Zealand970.850.7Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Belize980.530.91Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Jamaica980.840.75Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Cambodia980.890.78Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Armenia991.110.77Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Mauritania991.10.84Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Nicaragua990.820.58Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Afghanistan1000.960.65Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Taiwan100Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Paraguay1010.960.77Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Macao SAR, China1.0Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Chile1020.950.86Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Grenada1021.340.89Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Dominican Republic1030.940.75Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
China1041.00.61Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Fiji1.00.94Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Mongolia1041.420.87Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Singapore1040.90.63Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Argentina1050.580.48Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Samoa106Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Djibouti1070.89Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Eritrea1071.10.81Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Lesotho1070.930.88Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Sudan, South107Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Canada1080.90.78Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Moldova1081.0Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Namibia1090.880.87Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Cameroon1101.01.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Peru1100.990.86Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Swaziland1100.930.85Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Uganda1111.221.0Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Suriname1120.94Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Georgia1131.160.89Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Brazil1141.00.84Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Barbados1141.00.79Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
South Africa1140.950.84Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Somalia1.150.67Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Zimbabwe1151.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Niger1160.971.11Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Togo1170.881.0Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Tanzania1191.30.99Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Benin1211.00.81Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Australia1230.940.94Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Mauritius123Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Cuba1241.510.91Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Mali1251.11.0Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Madagascar1261.431Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Congo, Dem. Rep.1271.211Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Kenya1271.140.98Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Macedonia, FYR1271.121.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Burkina Faso1281.331.12Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Cote d'Ivoire1301.21.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Chad1311.321.2Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Andorra1321.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Hong Kong SAR, China1321.161.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Cape Verde1331.43Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Senegal1341.261.1Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Korea, Rep.1351.33Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Luxembourg1361.331.14Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the international minimum benchmark and below the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Japan1371.540.9Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Albania1401.311.29Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Burundi1421.231.22Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Bosnia and Herzegovina1421.181.24Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Lithuania1421.221.1Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Uruguay1441.170.94Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Romania1461.221.24Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Cyprus1471.251.2Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Spain1471.281.1Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Serbia1481.141.35Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Croatia1491.371.22Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Latvia1491.231.15Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Montenegro1491.211.27Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Poland1501.41.3Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Zambia1521.611.22Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Slovak Republic1531.681.43Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Malawi1541.671.12Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
West Bank and Gaza1541.250.98Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Austria1551.431.26Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Guadeloupe155Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
French Polynesia1561.391.19Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Estonia1571.31.22Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Nauru157Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Bulgaria1581.371.1Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Portugal1581.471.1Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Finland1601.391.26Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Kosovo160Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Hungary1611.381.31Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Belgium1621.341.34Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Rwanda1621.371.1Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Slovenia1621.261.21Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Malta1661.561.26Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Germany1681.561.38Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Central African Republic1691.441.27Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Czech Republic1691.451.29Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Ireland1691.641.35Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Italy1691.631.49Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Monaco1691.55Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Iceland1711.311.78Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Netherlands1711.451.32Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
France1741.451.33Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Switzerland1771.521.36Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Liechtenstein1771.521.36Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Greece1781.411.19Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Denmark1791.541.45Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Sweden1821.521.44Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Israel1871.27Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
United Kingdom1981.651.73Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Norway2011.631.66Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
Turkey2031.631.62Very High Diesel TaxationThe retail price of diesel is above the price level of the lowest in EU-15.
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