This map shows India's decadal population growth rate, 2001 - 2011.
India's decadal population growth rate: 17.6% (2001 - 2011)
India's decadal population growth rate: 21.5% (1991 - 2001)
Population Growth Rate Highlights:
- During 2001-2011, as many as 25 States/UTs with a share of about 85% of the country's population registered an annual growth rate of less than 2% as compared to, 15 States/UTs with a share of about 42% during the period 1991-2001.
- 15 States/UTs have grown by less than 1.5 percent per annum during 2001-2011, while the number of such States/UTs was only 4 during the previous decade.
The percentage decadal growth rates of the six most populous States have declined during 2001- 2011 compared to 1991-2001:
- Uttar Pradesh (25.85% to 20.09%)
- Maharashtra (22.73% to 15.99%)
- Bihar (28.62% to 25.07%)
- West Bengal (17.77% to 13.93%)
- Andhra Pradesh (14.59% to 11.10%)
- Madhya Pradesh (24.26% to 20.30%)
13 years ago