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Number of Fixed Telephone Lines by Country Per 100 People

Number of Fixed Telephone Lines by Country Per 100 People
Country2008 per 100 people2009 per 100 people2009 Notes2009 Source
Afghanistan0.370.46Ministry of Communications.
Albania10.9311.5Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications.
Algeria8.937.38Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télecommunications (ARPT).
American Samoa15.7115.44ITU estimate.
Andorra44.2844.3Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra (STA).
Angola0.631.64Break in comparability. From this year, including copper line (171'562), DSL line (13'967), WiMax (43'146), CDMA (72'000) and VSAT (2'504) which are not included in previous years.Instituto Angolano das Comunicações.
Anguilla42.1841.28ITU estimate.
Antigua & Barbuda43.8642.64Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Science & Technology.
Argentina24.4324.25Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones
Armenia20.3420.43ITU estimate.
Aruba36.4735.95ITU estimate.
Austria39.438.89Incl. ISDN channels. Measured in ISDN B channels equivalents.Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR-GmbH).
Azerbaijan15.015.86Number of ISDN channels are not included.Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Bahamas39.3237.74Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTC)
Bahrain28.4230.1Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
Bangladesh0.840.94ITU estimate.
Barbados58.7853.0Ministry of Finance, Investment, Telecommunications & Energy
Belarus38.4141.2Ministry of Communications and Informatization.
Belgium44.7143.54Including ISDN and managed VoB.IBPT
Belize10.3510.16Belize Telemedia Limited.
Bermuda8988.96ITU estimate.
Bhutan43.78Bhutan Information, Communications and Media Authority, Ministry of Information and Communications.
Bolivia7.128.21Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes
Bosnia and Herzegovina27.3326.51Communications Regulatory Agency B & H.
Botswana7.417.1Country estimate.
British Virgin Islands82.9287.24ITU estimate.
Brunei Darussalam20.5920.15AiTi.
Bulgaria28.8429.23Data as of 31.12.2009. According to the revised definition the number of ISDN subscriptions is presented as voice channel equivalents. Public payphones are included.Communications Regulation Commission
Burkina Faso0.970.97Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications Électroniques (ARCE)
Burundi0.380.38Agence de Régulation et de Contrôle des Télécommunications.
Cambodia0.30.37ITU estimate.
Cameroon1.342.23Agence de Régulation des Statistiques
Canada54.8752.5Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission
Cape Verde14.4114.22ANAC - Agência Nacional das Comunicações
Cayman Islands64.2764.4Information and Communications Technology Authority
Central African Rep.0.280.27ITU estimate.
Chad0.410.52Office Tchadien de Régulation des Télécommunications.
China25.4523.31Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Colombia17.6216.37Source: de Tecnologías de Información y las Comunicaciones
Comoros4.364.55Including fixed wireless (CDMA).Comores Telecom.
Congo0.610.66ITU estimate.
Congo (Dem. Rep.)0.10.1A.R.P.T.C.
Cook Islands34.034.69Telecom Cook Islands Ltd.
Costa Rica31.8132.75ICE-Telecomunicaciones
Côte d'Ivoire1.731.34Agence des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire (ATCI).
Croatia42.4742.1Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM).
Cuba9.719.99Ministerio de la Informática y las Comunicaciones
Cyprus47.9347.59Office of the Commissioner for Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation.
Czech Republic21.9420.38VoIP subcribers not included.Czech Telecommunication Office
D.P.R. Korea4.954.94ITU estimate.
Denmark45.6437.69Including ISDN channels.National IT and Telecom Agency.
Djibouti1.761.95Ministère de la Communication et de la Culture, chargé des Postes et des Télécommunications.
Dominica26.1926.26ITU estimate. 17'450 17'450 ITU estimate.
Dominican Rep.9.99.57INDOTEL
Egypt14.5412.42Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
El Salvador17.5617.83Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones
Equatorial Guinea1.521.48ITU estimate.
Eritrea0.820.96Eritrea Telecommunication Services Corporation.
Estonia37.1436.77Estonian Competition Authority.
Ethiopia1.111.1Excl. Public Payphones and ISDN channelsEthiopian Telecommunication Agency.
Falkland (Malvinas) Is.66.2765.27Cable & Wireless South Atlantic Plc
Faroe Islands43.9741.95Postal and Telecom Surveillance Authority.
Fiji15.316.11ITU estimate.
Finland31.1126.85Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority.
France56.5856.94Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP).
French Polynesia20.5320.19Service des Postes et Télécommunications.
Gabon1.831.8ITU estimate.
Gambia2.942.87ITU estimate.
Georgia14.3514.55ITU estimate.
Germany62.1259.27Telephone channels including ISDN and own consumption, excluding public payphones. Figure is based on NRA estimates.Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA, formerly Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post).
Ghana0.621.12National Communications Authority (NCA).
Greece47.1747.0Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission
Greenland39.8238.47TELE Greenland
Grenada27.627.52ITU estimate.
Guam37.3136.86ITU estimate.
Guatemala10.5910.1Superintedencia de Telecomunicaciones
GuernseyITU estimate.
Guinea0.210.22ITU estimate.
Guinea-Bissau0.290.3Instituto das Comunicações da Guiné-Bissau
Guyana17.4718.3National Frequency Management Unit
Haiti1.11.1ITU estimate.
Hong Kong, China59.9160.91Office of the Telecommunications Authority
Hungary30.930.71National Communications Authority.
Iceland61.3457.4Post and Telecom Administration.
Indonesia13.3614.77Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Iran (I.R.)33.8334.78ITU estimate.
Iraq3.63.6Iraqi Telecommunications and Post Company
Ireland49.6346.1Incl. PSTN lines, ISDN paths, FWA subscriptions, public payphones and LLU lines. Data refers to December.Commission for Communications Regulation.
Israel45.7245.33ITU estimate.
Italy36.9836.24Ministry of Economic Development
Jamaica11.6911.12Office of Utilities Regulation
Japan37.1734.1December.Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC)
JerseyITU estimate.
Jordan8.467.94Telecommunications Regulatory Commission.
Kazakhstan22.2824.66Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Communications and Information
Kenya1.671.67Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK).
Kiribati4.144.1ITU estimate.
Korea (Rep.)48.5853.69Korea Communications Commission, Rep of Korea
Kuwait18.5318.54ITU estimate.
Kyrgyzstan9.139.1National Communications Agency.
Lao P.D.R.2.11.59National Authority of Post and Telecommunication.
Latvia28.5128.63ITU estimate.
Lebanon17.8819.0Ministère des Télécommunications
Lesotho2.01.94ITU estimate.
Liberia0.10.1ITU estimate.
Libya14.6216.56General Telecom Authority.
Liechtenstein55.054.58ITU estimate.
Lithuania23.6422.74Communications Regulatory Authority.
Luxembourg54.2254.22Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation.
Macao, China33.4331.69Excl. ISDN channels, fixed wireless subscriptions and public payphones.Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation
Madagascar0.860.95Office Malagasy d'Etudes et Régulations des télécommunications (OMERT)
Malaysia15.8915.7Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Malaysia
Maldives15.3815.84Telecommunications Authority of Maldives (TAM).
Mali0.640.65Comité de Régulation des Télécommnications CRT
Malta59.1859.92Malta Communications Authority
Marshall Islands7.257.1ITU estimate.
Mauritania2.372.26Autorité de Régulation
Mauritius28.4129.12Information Communication Technologies Authority
Mayotte5.285.15ITU estimate.
Mexico18.8817.64Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones
Micronesia7.887.86ITU estimate.
Moldova30.6831.6National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) .
Monaco106.98107.89ITU estimate.
Mongolia7.597.1Incl. WLLCommunications Regulatory Commission.
Montserrat47.4245.58ITU estimate.
Morocco9.4610.99Includes fixed wireless.Agence nationale de réglementation des télécommunications.
Myanmar1.01.1Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs
Namibia6.576.54ITU estimate.
Nauru17.6918.61ITU estimate.
Nepal2.792.77March 2010.Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Neth. Antilles45.144.9ITU estimate.
Netherlands44.2744.12July.Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (OPTA).
New Caledonia25.5826.96Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie
New Zealand41.3743.83Ministry of Economic Development.
Nicaragua4.454.44ITU estimate.
Niger0.440.43ITU estimate.
Nigeria0.860.96Refers to active Fixed Wired/Wireless lines.Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).
Niue65.9274.48ITU estimate.
Northern Marianas28.9328.89ITU estimate.
Norway39.7837.1Norwegian Post- and telecommunications Authority
Oman10.9410.54Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Palau36.134.51Palau National Communications Corporation
Palestinian Authority8.398.14ITU estimate.
Panama15.4215.55Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos.
Papua New Guinea0.910.89ITU estimate.
Paraguay5.946.1Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones.
Peru9.9810.17Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones.
Philippines4.517.37National Telecommunications Commission (NTC).
Poland25.5225.18Office of Electronic Communications
Puerto Rico23.9522.75Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico
Russia32.2132.21Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation
Rwanda0.170.33Rwanda Information Technology Authority.
S. Tomé & Principe4.814.79ITU estimate.
Samoa16.117.84ITU estimate.
San Marino68.368.56ITU estimate.
Saudi Arabia16.2716.22CITC Market Studies Department.
Senegal1.952.22Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications.
Serbia31.3531.53Republic Telecommunication Agency RATEL.
Seychelles26.6330.95Refers to data collected at the end of Jan 2010. Incl fixed VoIP lines.MInistry of National Development
Sierra Leone0.570.58ITU estimate.
Singapore40.6540.65Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
Slovak Republic23.8622.56Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications SR
Slovenia50.1151.19Post and Electronic Communications Agency.
Solomon Islands1.571.57ITU estimate.
Somalia1.121.1ITU estimate.
South Africa8.918.62ITU estimate.
Spain46.2545.28Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones
Sri Lanka17.1816.98Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka.
St. Helena50.6652.47Cable & Wireless South Atlantic Ltd.
St. Kitts and Nevis39.9539.64ITU estimate.
St. Lucia24.023.81ITU estimate.
St. Vincent and the G.20.8721.1National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission.
Sudan0.890.88National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC).
Suriname16.1116.11Telecommunications Authority Suriname.
Swaziland3.773.71Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (STPC).
Sweden58.155.69Including PSTN, ISDN and IP channels.Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS).
Switzerland64.061.75Estimate. Including ISDN access channels.OFCOM
Syria17.1217.67Syrian Telecommunications Establishment (STE).
Taiwan, Province of China62.3763.19National Communications Commission (NCC).
Tajikistan4.24.17ITU estimate.
Tanzania0.290.4Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority.
TFYR Macedonia22.3921.41Does not include internal lines and WLR of incumbent.Agency for Electronic Communications
Thailand10.9710.63Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
Timor-Leste0.220.21ITU estimate.
Togo2.182.7Autorité de réglementation des secteurs de postes et de télécommunications (ART&P).
Tokelau25.2725.0ITU estimate.
Tonga24.6629.82ITU estimate.
Trinidad & Tobago23.6122.65Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia12.1812.45Ministère des Technologies de la Communication.
Turkey23.6822.1Information and Communication Technologies Authority.
Turkmenistan9.479.35ITU estimate.
Turks & Caicos Is.11.3311.28ITU estimate.
Tuvalu15.1717.12ITU estimate.
Uganda0.530.71Uganda Communications Commission (UCC).
Ukraine28.6528.5State Administration of Communications.
United Arab Emirates33.6333.95Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
United Kingdom54.2852.17Ofcom
United States45.2344.81The December 2009 data includes only switched access lines. Because data for earlier years includes a largely unknown number of interconnected VoIP subscriptions, the data are not directly comparable over time.ITU estimate.
Uruguay28.6428.37ITU estimate.
Uzbekistan6.86.75Communications and Information Agency of Uzbekistan.
Vanuatu4.453.0Telecom Regulator.
Venezuela22.8224.0Preliminary.Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL).
Viet Nam16.9619.79Ministry of Information and Communications.
Wallis and Futuna17.7519.42Service des Postes et Telecommunications (SPT).
Yemen4.194.23Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Zambia0.720.7Information & Communication Authority.
Zimbabwe2.793.1Post and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (POTRAZ).
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