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Total Length of Pipelines for Transportation by Country

Total Length of Pipelines for Transportation by Country
CountryTotal Pipelines (km)YearTypes
Afghanistan4662010gas 466 km
Albania5462010gas 339 km; oil 207 km
Algeria30,1622010condensate 2,600 km; gas 16,360 km; liquid petroleum gas 3,447 km; oil 7,611 km; refined products 144 km
Angola892010gas 2 km; oil 87 km
Argentina39,2392010gas 29,401 km; liquid petroleum gas 41 km; oil 6,166 km; refined products 3,631 km
Armenia2,2332010gas 2,233 km
Australia31,3982010gas 27,900 km; liquid petroleum gas 240 km; oil 3,257 km; oil/gas/water 1 km
Austria3,8482010gas 3,028 km; oil 663 km; refined products 157 km
Azerbaijan4,7862010condensate 1 km; gas 3,361 km; oil 1,424 km
Bahrain492010gas 20 km; oil 29 km
Bangladesh2,7142010gas 2,714 km
Barbados99gas 33 km; oil 62 km; refined products 4 km
Belarus8,5082010gas 5,250 km; oil 1,528 km; refined products 1,730 km
Belgium3,5152010gas 2,826 km; oil 154 km; refined products 535 km
Bolivia9,5182010gas 5,330 km; liquid petroleum gas 51 km; oil 2,510 km; refined products 1,627 km
Bosnia and Herzegovina156N/Agas 147 km; oil 9 km
Brazil22,3412010condensate/gas 62 km; gas 13,514 km; liquid petroleum gas 352 km; oil 3,729 km; refined products 4,684 km
Brunei882010condensate 33 km; gas 37 km; oil 18 km
Bulgaria3,3462010gas 2,844 km; oil 346 km; refined products 156 km
Burma3,5972010gas 3,046 km; oil 551 km
Cameroon8862010oil 886 km
Canada75,8352010gas 835 km; liquid petroleum gas 75,000 km
Chad2652010oil 265 km
Chile5,2442010gas 3,064 km; liquid petroleum gas 517 km; oil 895 km; refined products 768 km
China75,7422010gas 38,566 km; oil 23,470 km; refined products 13,706 km
Colombia14,4442010gas 4,801 km; oil 6,334 km; refined products 3,309 km
Congo, Democratic Republic of the8322010gas 37 km; oil 39 km; refined products 756 km
Congo, Republic of the3382010gas 65 km; oil 273 km
Costa Rica6622010refined products 662 km
Cote d'Ivoire3582010condensate 86 km; gas 180 km; oil 92 km
Croatia2,2182010gas 1,686 km; oil 532 km
Cuba2712010gas 41 km; oil 230 km
Cyprus0N/Aoil 0 km
Czech Republic7,6512010gas 7,010 km; oil 547 km; refined products 94 km
Denmark2,9652010gas 2,858 km; oil 107 km
Dominican Republic99N/Aoil 99 km
Ecuador3,0792010extra heavy crude 434 km; gas 5 km; oil 1,378 km; refined products 1,262 km
Egypt13,1602010condensate 320 km; condensate/gas 13 km; gas 6,628 km; liquid petroleum gas 956 km; oil 4,332 km; oil/gas/water 3 km; refined products 895 km; water 13 km
Equatorial Guinea372010gas 37 km
Estonia8592010gas 859 km
Finland6942010gas 694 km
France23,2992010gas 15,276 km; oil 2,939 km; refined products 5,084 km
Gabon1,1872010gas 294 km; oil 893 km
Georgia2,8542010gas 1,596 km; oil 1,258 km
Germany33,2502010gas 24,688 km; oil 3,687 km; refined products 4,875 km
Ghana3182010gas 1 km; oil 5 km; refined products 312 km
Greece1,3152010gas 1,240 km; oil 75 km
Guatemala4802010oil 480 km
Hungary6,0612010gas 4,716 km; oil 984 km; refined products 361 km
India29,6842010condensate/gas 2 km; gas 9,596 km; liquid petroleum gas 2,152 km; oil 7,448 km; refined products 10,486 km
Indonesia14,7072010condensate 812 km; condensate/gas 73 km; gas 7,165 km; oil 5,984 km; oil/gas/water 12 km; refined products 617 km; water 44 km
Iran35,8042010condensate 7 km; condensate/gas 12 km; gas 20,155 km; liquid petroleum gas 570 km; oil 7,123 km; refined products 7,937 km
Iraq10,1062010gas 2,447 km; liquid petroleum gas 918 km; oil 5,104 km; refined products 1,637 km
Ireland1,8882010gas 1,888 km
Israel9142010gas 211 km; oil 442 km; refined products 261 km
Italy19,5892010gas 18,348 km; oil 1,241 km
Japan4,3592010gas 4,135 km; oil 171 km; oil/gas/water 53 km
Jordan4882010gas 439 km; oil 49 km
Kazakhstan26,7362010condensate 658 km; gas 12,317 km; oil 11,201 km; refined products 1,095 km; water 1,465 km
Kenya9322010oil 4 km; refined products 928 km
Korea, North1542010oil 154 km
Korea, South3,0032010gas 2,139 km; refined products 864 km
Kuwait8662010gas 269 km; oil 540 km; refined products 57 km
Kyrgyzstan4962010gas 480 km; oil 16 km
Laos5402010refined products 540 km
Latvia1,3632010gas 948 km; refined products 415 km
Lebanon1022010gas 102 km
Liberia4N/Aoil 4 km
Libya10,9522010condensate 776 km; gas 3,216 km; oil 6,960 km
Liechtenstein202010gas 20 km
Lithuania1,8092010gas 1,695 km; refined products 114 km
Luxembourg1692010gas 142 km; refined products 27 km
Macedonia3882010gas 268 km; oil 120 km
Malaysia2,0592010condensate 3 km; gas 1,757 km; liquid petroleum gas 155 km; oil 30 km; refined products 114 km
Mexico33,5462010gas 16,594 km; liquid petroleum gas 2,152 km; oil 7,499 km; oil/gas/water 4 km; refined products 7,264 km; water 33 km
Moldova1,9062010gas 1,906 km
Morocco1,2692010gas 830 km; oil 439 km
Mozambique1,1962010gas 918 km; refined products 278 km
Netherlands5,4942010gas 4,413 km; oil 365 km; refined products 716 km
New Zealand2,8272010condensate 331 km; gas 1,838 km; liquid petroleum gas 172 km; oil 288 km; refined products 198 km
Nicaragua542010oil 54 km
Nigeria10,4102010condensate 26 km; gas 2,756 km; liquid petroleum gas 97 km; oil 3,441 km; refined products 4,090 km
Norway952010condensate 31 km; gas 64 km
Oman8,1372010condensate 107 km; gas 4,209 km; oil 3,558 km; refined products 263 km
Pakistan13,3142010gas 10,514 km; oil 2,013 km; refined products 787 km
Panama128N/Aoil 128 km
Papua New Guinea1952010oil 195 km
Peru3,7862010extra heavy crude 533 km; gas 1,526 km; liquid petroleum gas 679 km; oil 1,033 km; refined products 15 km
Philippines2952010gas 7 km; oil 107 km; refined products 181 km
Poland16,0562010gas 13,860 km; oil 1,384 km; refined products 777 km; unknown 35 km
Portugal1,5062010gas 1,307 km; oil 11 km; refined products 188 km
Qatar1,7292010condensate 145 km; condensate/gas 132 km; gas 980 km; liquid petroleum gas 90 km; oil 382 km
Romania6,0762010gas 3,652 km; oil 2,424 km
Russia252,5272010condensate 122 km; gas 160,952 km; liquid petroleum gas 127 km; oil 77,630 km; oil/gas/water 38 km; refined products 13,658 km
Saudi Arabia9,6242010condensate 212 km; gas 2,846 km; liquid petroleum gas 1,183 km; oil 4,232 km; refined products 1,151 km
Senegal512010gas 43 km; refined products 8 km
Singapore1112010gas 111 km
Slovakia7,1852010gas 6,769 km; oil 416 km
Slovenia8452010gas 840 km; oil 5 km
South Africa3,2812010condensate 11 km; gas 908 km; oil 980 km; refined products 1,382 km
Spain13,3602010gas 9,359 km; oil 560 km; refined products 3,441 km
Sudan5,8392010gas 156 km; oil 4,070 km; refined products 1,613 km
Suriname502010oil 50 km
Sweden7862010gas 786 km
Switzerland1,7822010gas 1,681 km; oil 94 km; refined products 7 km
Syria5,1582010gas 3,161 km; oil 1,997 km
Taiwan4122010gas 412 km
Tajikistan5872010gas 549 km; oil 38 km
Tanzania1,1502010gas 254 km; oil 888 km; refined products 8 km
Thailand3,0732010gas 1,889 km; liquid petroleum gas 85 km; refined products 1,099 km
Trinidad and Tobago1,0052010gas 671 km; oil 334 km
Tunisia4,1622010gas 2,386 km; oil 1,323 km; refined products 453 km
Turkey14,3422010gas 10,706 km; oil 3,636 km
Turkmenistan8,8092010gas 7,352 km; oil 1,457 km
Ukraine45,2182010gas 36,493 km; oil 4,514 km; refined products 4,211 km
United Arab Emirates4,6792010condensate 458 km; refined products 212 km; gas 2,352 km; liquid petroleum gas 220 km; oil 1,437 km
United Kingdom19,6402010condensate 8 km; gas 14,071 km; liquid petroleum gas 59 km; oil 595 km; refined products 4,907 km
United States793,2852010petroleum products 244,620 km; natural gas 548,665 km
Uruguay3812010gas 226 km; oil 155 km
Uzbekistan11,1212010gas 10,253 km; oil 868 km
Venezuela14,6412010extra heavy crude 980 km; gas 5,347 km; oil 6,694 km; refined products 1,620 km
Vietnam4602010condensate 28 km; condensate/gas 10 km; gas 216 km; refined products 206 km
Yemen1,8122010gas 423 km; liquid petroleum gas 22 km; oil 1,367 km
Zambia7712010oil 771 km
Zimbabwe2702010refined products 270 km
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