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Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions

This map shows current worldwide carbon dioxide(CO₂) emissions per person from the consumption of energy. Data includes emissions due to the consumption of petroleum, natural gas, and coal, and also from natural gas flaring. These emissions lea ...

This map shows current and historical worldwide carbon dioxide(CO₂) emissions from the consumption of energy. Data includes emissions due to the consumption of petroleum, natural gas, and coal, and also from natural gas flaring. Current World ...

Current Worldwide Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Person

4.79 rating | 36,541 views | 0 comments

Current Worldwide CO₂ Emissions from the Consumpt ...

4.53 rating | 39,804 views | 0 comments

C02 Savings (Tonnes)

5.00 rating | 3,669 views | 0 comments

C02 Savings (Tonnes)

0.00 rating | 3,373 views | 0 comments
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