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International Criminal Court Participation

International Criminal Court Participation
CountryInternational Criminal Court
Afghanistanaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Albaniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Algerianon-party state to the ICCt
Andorraaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Angolanon-party state to the ICCt
Antigua and Barbudaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Argentinaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Armenianon-party state to the ICCt
Australiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Austriaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Azerbaijannon-party state to the ICCt
Bahamas, Thenon-party state to the ICCt
Bahrainnon-party state to the ICCt
Bangladeshaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Barbadosaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Belarusnon-party state to the ICCt
Belgiumaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Belizeaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Beninaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Bermudanon-party state to the ICCt
Bhutannon-party state to the ICCt
Boliviaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Bosnia and Herzegovinaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Botswanaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Brazilaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Bruneinon-party state to the ICCt
Bulgariaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Burkina Fasoaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Burmanon-party state to the ICCt
Burundiaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Cambodiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Cameroonnon-party state to the ICCt
Canadaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Cape Verdenon-party state to the ICCt
Central African Republicaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Chadaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Chileaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Chinanon-party state to the ICCt
Colombiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Comorosaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Congo, Democratic Republic of theaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Congo, Republic of theaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Cook Islandsaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Costa Ricaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Cote d'Ivoireaccepts ICCt jurisdiction under Article 12(3)of the Rome Statute
Croatiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Cubanon-party state to the ICCt
Cyprusaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Czech Republicaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Denmarkaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Djiboutiaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Dominicaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Dominican Republicaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Ecuadoraccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Egyptnon-party state to the ICCt
El Salvadornon-party state to the ICCt
Equatorial Guineanon-party state to the ICCt
Eritreanon-party state to the ICCt
Estoniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Ethiopianon-party state to the ICCt
Fijiaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Finlandaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Franceaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Gabonaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Gambia, Theaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Georgiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Germanyaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Ghanaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Greeceaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Grenadanon-party state to the ICCt
Guatemalanon-party state to the ICCt
Guineaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Guinea-Bissaunon-party state to the ICCt
Guyanaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Haitinon-party state to the ICCt
Holy See (Vatican City)non-party state to the ICCt
Hondurasaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Hungaryaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Icelandaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Indianon-party state to the ICCt
Indonesianon-party state to the ICCt
Irannon-party state to the ICCt
Iraqnon-party state to the ICCt
Irelandaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Israelwithdrew acceptance of ICCt jurisdiction in 2002
Italyaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Jamaicanon-party state to the ICCt
Japanaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Jordanaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Kazakhstannon-party state to the ICCt
Kenyaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Kiribatinon-party state to the ICCt
Korea, Northnon-party state to the ICCt
Korea, Southaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Kosovonon-party state to the ICCt
Kuwaitnon-party state to the ICCt
Kyrgyzstannon-party state to the ICCt
Laosnon-party state to the ICCt
Latviaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Lebanonnon-party state to the ICCt
Lesothoaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Liberiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Libyanon-party state to the ICCt
Liechtensteinaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Lithuaniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Luxembourgaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Macedoniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Madagascaraccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Malawiaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Malaysianon-party state to the ICCt
Maldivesnon-party state to the ICCt
Maliaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Maltaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Marshall Islandsaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Mauritanianon-party state to the ICCt
Mauritiusaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Mexicoaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Micronesia, Federated States ofnon-party state to the ICCt
Moldovaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Monaconon-party state to the ICCt
Mongoliaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Montenegroaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Morocconon-party state to the ICCt
Mozambiquenon-party state to the ICCt
Namibiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Nauruaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Nepalnon-party state to the ICCt
Netherlandsaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
New Zealandaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Nicaraguanon-party state to the ICCt
Nigeraccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Nigeriaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Norwayaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Omannon-party state to the ICCt
Pakistannon-party state to the ICCt
Palaunon-party state to the ICCt
Panamaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Papua New Guineanon-party state to the ICCt
Paraguayaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Peruaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Philippinesnon-party state to the ICCt
Polandaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Portugalaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Qatarnon-party state to the ICCt
Romaniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Russianon-party state to the ICCt
Rwandanon-party state to the ICCt
Saint Kitts and Nevisaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Saint Luciaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Samoaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
San Marinoaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Sao Tome and Principenon-party state to the ICCt
Saudi Arabianon-party state to the ICCt
Senegalaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Serbiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Seychellesaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Sierra Leoneaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Singaporenon-party state to the ICCt
Slovakiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Sloveniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Solomon Islandsnon-party state to the ICCt
Somalianon-party state to the ICCt
South Africaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Spainaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Sri Lankanon-party state to the ICCt
Sudanwithdrew acceptance of ICCt jurisdiction in 2008
Surinameaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Swazilandnon-party state to the ICCt
Swedenaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Switzerlandaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Syrianon-party state to the ICCt
Taiwannon-party state to the ICCt
Tajikistanaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Tanzaniaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Thailandnon-party state to the ICCt
Timor-Lesteaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Togonon-party state to the ICCt
Tonganon-party state to the ICCt
Trinidad and Tobagoaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Tunisianon-party state to the ICCt
Turkeynon-party state to the ICCt
Turkmenistannon-party state to the ICCt
Tuvalunon-party state to the ICCt
Ugandaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Ukrainenon-party state to the ICCt
United Arab Emiratesnon-party state to the ICCt
United Kingdomaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
United Stateswithdrew acceptance of ICCt jurisdiction in 2002
Uruguayaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Uzbekistannon-party state to the ICCt
Vanuatunon-party state to the ICCt
Venezuelaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Vietnamnon-party state to the ICCt
Yemennon-party state to the ICCt
Zambiaaccepts ICCt jurisdiction
Zimbabwenon-party state to the ICCt
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