This chart shows The Concordia Index by Country.
Concordia was established in 2011 to enhance the scale and effectiveness of public-private partnerships (P3s). Guided by a global network of advisers and a robust research program, Concordia helps organizations maximize the impact of their P3s. Held in New York during the UN General Assembly, the annual Summit convenes over 1,000 of the world's most prominent business, government, and nonprofit leaders, including President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, and Vice President Joseph Biden.
Concordia’s mission is to identify new avenues of collaboration for governments, businesses, and nonprofits through issue-based campaigns, year round programming, and the Partnership Index. Concordia promotes effective public-private collaboration to create a more prosperous and sustainable future.
The Index scores indicate that there is great opportunity for P3 engagement. Across the world and in all major industries, the private sector is needed to help improve access to quality infrastructure. Index rankings do not correlate with geographies or income levels. This is largely due to the fact that the Index incorporates both Readiness and Need into its overall ranking. Readiness and Need are inversely related, as more appealing market/political structures lead to increased investments and thus lowers future infrastructure need.
9 years ago