This chart shows World Charity Index by Country.
Charity is the act of giving help to those in need of it. It is a humanitarian act. It involves giving money, goods or time and effort to those who need it. It is done without expecting something in return. Giving money or food to poor people is an example of charity. Poor, sick or injured people are generally considered the proper people to whom charity should be given. When such people are not supported, they often begin begging, which is directly asking for help from people they do not know.
Most charities are concerned with providing basic needs, such as food, water, clothing, health care and shelter. The most common form of charity is donating money. The money is then used to buy these basic needs. However, there are many other actions that may be performed as charity, such as teaching orphans, donating blood, or money to help fund medical research.
A charitable trust is an irrevocable trust established for charitable purposes, and in some jurisdictions a more specific term than "charitable organization". Charitable trusts may be set up inter vivos or as a part of a trust or will at death . There are two basic types of US charitable trusts. The first is a "lead" trust, wherein the charity is paid first, and the remainder, after trust termination, goes to beneficiaries, such as heirs or back to the donor.
9 years ago