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2016 Football Power Index

2016 Football Power Index
1Alabama, SEC14.1 - 0.640.9100531.7
2OSU, Big Ten11.8 - 1.725.80428.1
3Michigan, Big Ten10.6 - 2.462.80827.9
4Washington, Pac-1212.5 - 1.914100126.1
5Clemson, ACC12.6 - 1.819.3100225.9
6Louisville, ACC9.5 - 3.551.60922.7
7LSU, SEC7.5 - 4.548.40722.1
8Oklahoma, Big 1210.5 - 2.552.21001122
9FSU, ACC9.4 - 3.637.30321.5
10USC, Pac-129.6 - 3.461.602020.3
11Auburn, SEC8.5 - 4.547.801020.1
12Penn State, Big Ten11.4 - 2.638.5100618
13Wisconsin, Big Ten10.6 - 3.460.302617.8
14Colorado, Pac-1210.5 - 3.550.501616.3
15Texas A&M, SEC8.6 - 4.463.503216.2
16Miami, ACC8.6 - 4.456.402416
17Oklahoma State, Big 129.5 - 3.549.501715.4
18Washington St, Pac-128.7 - 4.370.804715.3
19Tennessee, SEC8.7 - 4.366.404115
20Stanford, Pac-129.5 - 3.553.102514.4
21West Virginia, Big 1210.4 - 2.643.601414.2
22UNC, ACC8.5 - 4.546.901914.1
23VT, ACC9.7 - 4.366.104813.2
24Pitt, ACC8.6 - 4.462.503913.1
25W Michigan, MAC13.4 - 0.639.71001213
26Florida, SEC8.5 - 4.553.702812.6
27Iowa, Big Ten8.5 - 4.546.302212.5
28Ole Miss, SEC5.0 - 7.000011.3
29Kansas State, Big 128.4 - 4.636.501311.3
30Boise State, MW10.6 - 2.45904011
31BYU, FBS Indep.8.8 - 4.277.906510.7
32Houston, American9.6 - 3.457.604410.7
33W Kentucky, C-USA10.6 - 3.4581004310.7
34Utah, Pac-128.7 - 4.374.206110.5
35TCU, Big 126.6 - 6.45603810.1
36Temple, American10.7 - 3.370.3100589.8
37USF, American10.7 - 2.3710609.6
38Notre Dame, FBS Indep.4.0 - 8.00009.6
39UCLA, Pac-124.0 - 8.00008.4
40Nebraska, Big Ten9.3 - 3.733.60187.8
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