This map shows Coffee consumption in kilograms, consumed annually by each person in a given country or region.
Current World Total Coffee Consumption: 1.3 Kilograms per person per year (7,358,897 metric tons)
World consumption continued on an upward trend despite the economic downturn and was estimated at around 130 million bags (1 bag = 60 kilogram) in coffee year 2008/09 compared to 127.2 million bags in 2007/08. This growth is attributable mainly to domestic consumption in exporting countries, which account for around 28% of total demand (ICO 2009).
Coffee consumption per capita is the average weight of coffee, in kilograms, consumed annually by each person in a given country or region. Weight is presented as Green Bean Equivalent (GBE). 1 pound roasted coffee = 1.19 pounds of green coffee beans.
14 years ago