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Number of Internet Users by Country, per 100 People

Number of Internet Users by Country, per 100 People
Country200620072008200920102010 Notes2010 Source
Afghanistan2.111.91.843.554ITU estimate.
Albania9.6115.023.8641.245Minister for Innovation and ICT
Algeria7.389.4510.1811.2312.5Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications
American Samoa
Andorra48.9470.8770.078.5381Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra
Angola1.912.843.13.2810ITU estimate.
Antigua & Barbuda62.6470.175.074.280Telecom Divison/Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Science & Technology
Argentina20.9325.9528.113436ITU estimate.
Armenia5.636.06.2115.337Ministry of Transport and Communication.
Aruba2830.934.237.742ITU estimate.
Australia6669.4571.6774.2576ITU estimate.
Austria63.669.3772.8773.4572.7Population aged 16+. Source: RTR NASE 2011Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH
Azerbaijan11.9914.5417.127.435.99Population age 7+ over the total population.State Statistical Committee
Bahamas262731.5433.8843ITU estimate.
Bahrain28.2432.9151.955355Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
Bangladesh11. estimate.
Barbados6364.766.568.770.2ITU estimate.
Belarus16.219.72327.4331.7Population age 16+.National Statistical Committee.
Belgium64.1869.2771.2576.279.26Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat.
Belize10.410.8611.3111.7314ITU estimate.
Benin1.541.791.852.243.13Autorité transitoire de régulation des postes et télécommunications du Bénin
Bermuda69.974.3582.383.2584.21ITU estimate.
Bhutan4.525.926.557.1713.613.6 per 100 population is estimated to be using internet in the country.Ministry of Information & Communications
Bolivia6.210.510.8314.320ITU estimate.
Bosnia and Herzegovina25.1227.9234.6637.7452Communications Regulatory Agency B & H
Botswana4. is an estimate. During the census that will be held in 2011, there will be enumeration on usage of internet.Botswana Telecommunications Authority
Brazil28.1830.8833.8339.2240.65Population age 10+ using internet in the last 3 months.Brazilian Internet Steering Committee.
British Virgin Islands39ITU estimate based on facebook subscribers.
Brunei Darussalam42.1944.68464950Estimation only.Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria27.133.6439.674546.23Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat.
Burkina Faso0.630.750.921.131.4ITU estimate.
Cambodia0.470.490.510.531.26Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Cameroon2.02.933.43.844ITU estimate.
Canada72.473.276.780.381.6ITU estimate.
Cape Verde6.818.282029.6730ITU estimate.
Cayman Islands44.5526164.566ITU estimate.
Central African Rep.0.310.3811.82.3
Chad0.580.851.191.51.7ITU estimate.
Chile34.535.937.338.845ITU estimate.
China10.521622.628.934.3Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Colombia15.3421.825.63036.5Population age 5+.Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística-DANE.
Comoros3.333.423.483.595.1ITU estimate.
Congo2.02.764.294.55ITU estimate.
Congo (Dem. Rep.)0.30.370.440.560.72Country estimate based on ITU estimate from previous years and an annual growth rate of 28%.Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Télécommunications
Cook Islands25.8625.625.4130.2935.71Telecom Cook Islands Ltd.
Costa Rica25.128.432.2934.3336.5Population age 5+ using Internet in the last 3 months.Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones
Côte d'Ivoire1.521.822.32.6ITU estimate.
Croatia37.9841.4450.656.2760.32Total population of the country.Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM)
Cuba11.1611.6912.9414.3315.12Incl. users of the international network and also those having access only to the Cuban network.Ministerio de la Informática y las Comunicaciones
Cyprus35.8340.7742.3149.8152.99Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
Czech Republic47.9351.9362.9764.4368.82Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat.
D.P.R. Korea0000
Denmark86.6585.085.086.8488.72Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat. Eurostat.
Djibouti1.271.622.2646.5Ministère de la Communication et de la Culture, chargé des Postes et des Télécommunications
Dominica39.440.2741.1642.047.45Based on a poulation of 69,479.National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
Dominican Rep.14.8417.6620.8227.7239.53Calculated using a multiplying factor of 3.9 to residencial subscriptions and 16 to business subscriptions.Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL)
Ecuador7.210.818.822.324Based on survey results. Total population.Secretaría Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (SENATEL)
Egypt12.5516.118.024.2826.74based on hard data.Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
El Salvador5.56.1110.112.1115ITU estimate.
Equatorial Guinea1.281.561.822.136La Société Anonyme de Télécommunications de la République de Guinée Equatoriale
Estonia63.5166.1970.5872.574.1Population age 16-74.Estonian Competition Authority
Ethiopia0.310.370.450.540.75ITU estimate.
Falkland (Malvinas) Is. & Wireless South Atlantic Ltd
Faroe Islands69.3675.9875.5775.1875.1Post and Telecom Surveillance Authority
Fiji9.610.912.213.4514.82ITU estimate.
Finland79.6680.7883.6782.4986.89Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
France46.8766.170.6871.5880.1Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
French Polynesia25.1128.5933.8744.649Service des Postes et Télécommunications
Gabon5.495.776.216.77.23ITU estimate.
Gambia5.246.216.887.639.2The Gambia Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
Georgia7.538.2610.020.127ITU estimate.
Germany72.1675.1677.9179.2681.85Population age 16-74.Eurostat.
Ghana2.723.854.275.448.55National Communications Authority
Greece32.2535.8838.242.444.4Population age 16-74.Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission and EL.STAT
Greenland59.3661.162.8262.8363Tele Greenland A/S
Grenada21.422.2923.1824.133.46ITU estimate.
Guatemala6. estimate.
Guinea0.640.780.920.940.96ITU estimate.
Guinea-Bissau2.12.212.352.32.45ITU estimate.
Guyana18.223.929.9National Frequency Management Unit
Haiti6. estimate.
Honduras7.ón Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL)
Hong Kong, China60.864.866.769.469.4The survey data of 2010 is not available. The survey data of 2009 is provided instead.Office of the Telecommunications Authority
Hungary47.153.35661.8165.27Population age 16-74.Eurostat.
Iceland89.5190.6919395Post and Telecom Administration
India2.813.954.385.127.5ITU estimate.
Indonesia4.765.797.928.79.1ITU estimate.
Iran (I.R.)8.769.4710.2411.113ITU estimate.
Iraq0.951. estimate.
Ireland54.8260.5565.3467.3869.85Population age 16-74.Eurostat.
Israel27.8848.1359.3963.1267.2Central Bureau of Statistics
Italy37.9940.7944.5348.8353.68Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
Jamaica16.421.123.624.326.1ITU estimate.
Japan68.6974.375.47880ITU estimate.
Kazakhstan3.274.01118.234Ministry for Communications and Information of Republic of Kazakhstan
Kenya7.537.958.6710.020.98Calculated from CCK quarterly statistical report and UNPD population.ITU estimates.
Korea (Rep.)78.178.880.9981.683.7Population age 3+.Korea Communications Commission
Kuwait28.7931.5734.2636.8538.25ITU estimate.
Kyrgyzstan12.3114.015.720ITU estimate.
Lao P.D.R.1.171.643.5567National Authority of Post and Telecommunication
Latvia53.6359.1763.4166.8468.42Population age 16-74.Ministry of Transport and CSB.
Lesotho2.983.453.583.723.86ITU estimate.
Liberia0.550.530.510.1An estimated 6.9 % of the country's total population of 3.6 Million use the internet. Methodology: 30% * 40% * 58% 58% is the total addressable population (individuals age 15 and above) 40% of total addressable population lives in Monrovia 30% is the total addressable population of Monrovia who use the internet (mostly students and working adults) Since internet usage is minimal in many rural areas compared to Monrovia these areas where excluded from this estimate.Liberia Telecommunications Authority
Libya4.34.72910.814ITU estimate.
Lithuania43.949.955.2259.7662.12Population age 16-74 using Internet in the last 12 months.Statistics Lithuania.
Luxembourg72.5178.9282.2387.3190.62Population age 16-74.Eurostat and Statec. Eurostat.
Macao, China46.447.3349.245456.8ITU estimate.
Madagascar0.610.651.651.631.7ITU estimate.
Malawi0.430.970.71.12.26Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority
Malaysia51.6455.755.855.955.3Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
Maldives11.016.323.224.828.3Estimation based on the assumption that every fixed internet connection, except leased lines served 4 users (as the average household size on our last census was 6), every leased line served 10 users and every mobile internet subscriptions serves a single user.Communications Authority of Maldives
Mali0.730.811.571.922.7ITU estimate.
Malta40.4146.950.158.8663Population age 16-74.Malta Communications Authority
Marshall Islands3.83.713.633.55
Mauritania0.981.431.872.283ITU estimate.
Mauritius16.720.2221.8122.5124.9Population age 12+.ITU estimate.
Mexico19.5220.8121.726.331Estimate to December based on ENDUTIH survey.Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones de México
Micronesia12.7513.6214.4915.3520ITU estimate.
Moldova19.6220.4523.393740ITU estimate.
Mongolia710.2National Statistical Office of Mongolia.
Montenegro32.1837.040.9744.8652ITU estimate.
Montserrat25.9120.4320.3220.2635Ministry of Communications & Works
Morocco19.7721.533.141.349For individuals aged between 12 and 65 years old. This figure is an estimate and will be confirmed as soon as the 2010 survey for collecting ICT indicators will be completed in June 2011 (which is in process).Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications
Mozambique0.840.911.562.684.17Instituto Nacional das Comunicaçőes de Moçambique
Namibia4.44.845.335.876.5ITU estimate.
Nauru6Ministry for Transport and Telecommunications
Nepal1.141.411.731.976.78December 2010Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Neth. Antilles
Netherlands83.785.8287.4289.6390.72Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
New Caledonia33.5235.134.5133.99
New Zealand6969.7672.079.783Population 15+. World Internet Project, Auckland Univeristy of technology SurveyMinistry of Economic Development
Nicaragua2.813.95.37.310ITU estimate.
Niger0.290.390.70.760.83ITU estimate.
Nigeria5.556.7715.8628.4328.43ITU estimate.
Northern Marianas
Norway82.5586.9390.5792.193.39Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
Oman8.316.682051.562.6fixed internet users' penetration was estimated based on actual fixed internet subscriptions multiplied by a factor of 5.8 AND mobile internet users (2G+3G)Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
Pakistan7.110.1115.7716.5916.78EstimatedPakistan Telecommunication Authority
Palestinian Authority18.4121.1824.3632.2337.44ITU estimate.
Panama17.3522.2933.8239.142.75Multipliers were applied to residential and commercial suscriptions, taking into account the average size of households and employees per business.Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP)
Papua New Guinea1.751.791.151.611.28population aged 10+ with population at 4.046 millionNational Information & Communications Technology Authority
Paraguay7.9611.2114.2717.423.6Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
Peru20.725.230.5731.434.3Population age 6+.Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones
Poland44.5848.653.1358.9762.32Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
Portugal38.042.144.1348.2751.1Population 16-74. Survey conducted Q1 2010.Autoridade Nacional de Comunicaçőes
Puerto Rico25.4427.863841.545.3Population age 12+. 95% confidence interval: 41% - 50%. Source: Internet Pulse, 2010. Asociación de Ejecutivos de Ventas y Mercadeo de Puerto Rico & Estudios Técnicos, Inc.Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics
Qatar28.9737384369Estimated for entire population based on households survey.ictQATAR
Romania24.6628.332.4236.639.93Population age 16-74.Eurostat.
Russia18.024.6626.832943Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation
Rwanda2. Rwandaise de Régulation des Services d'Utilité Publique (RURA)
S. Tomé & Principe14.1814.5915.4816.4118.75Autoridade Geral de Regulação
San Marino50.2150.3654.5254.21
Saudi Arabia19.4630363841Communication and Information Technology Commission
Senegal5.617.710.614.516Population age 12+.Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications et des Postes (ARTP)
Serbia27.233.1535.638.140.9Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL)
Seychelles34.9538.3840.4441ITU estimate.
Sierra Leone0.
Singapore5968696970Estimated based on survey's results. Population age 7+.ITU estimate.
Slovak Republic56.161.871.3175.1779.42Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
Slovenia54.056.74586470Population age 10-74 using Internet in the last 3 months.Post and Electronic Communications Agency and SORS.
Solomon Islands1.652345ITU estimate.
South Africa7.618.18.431012.3ICASA based on Business Monitor International.
Spain50.3755.1159.5962.6266.53Population age 16-74.Eurostat.
Sri Lanka2.543.885.88.7812Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka
St. Helena17.2318.5718.8219.124.94Cable & Wireless South Atlantic Ltd.
St. Kitts and Nevis28.1329.7531.3332.87
St. Lucia24.527.93236
St. Vincent and the G.32.1552.2960.4969.59
Suriname9.514.1121.131.3631.59Telecommunications Authority Suriname (TAS)
Swaziland3.74.16.857.68.0ITU estimate.
Sweden87.7682.0909190Population age 16-75.Swedish Post and Telecom Agency
Switzerland75.777.279.281.383.9In the last 6 months. Population age 14+Office fédéral de la statistique.
Syria7.8316.66.513.820.7Syrian Telecommunication Establishment
Taiwan, Province of China63.6864.4565.8469.971.5National Communications Commission
Tajikistan3.777.28.7810.111.55ITU estimate.
Tanzania5.87.291011Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
TFYR Macedonia28.6236.346.051.7751.9Population age 15-74. Source: State Statistical Office MacedoniaAgency for Electronic Communications
Thailand17.1620. estimate.
Timor-Leste0. estimate.
Togo4. estimate.
Tonga5.857.188.111012ITU estimate.
Trinidad & Tobago3032.334.844.348.5Estimate: number of fixed (wired and wireless) Internet subscriptions multiplied by the average number of persons residing within a household (4 persons per household, approx). Mobile and public access excluded.Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)
Tunisia12.9917.127.5334.136.8Secrétariat d'Etat des Technologies de la Communication
Turkey18.2428.6334.3736.439.82Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
Turkmenistan1.321.411.751.952.2ITU estimate.
Turks & Caicos Is.
Uganda2.533.677.99.7812.5Uganda Communications Commission
Ukraine4.516.5510.5515.623ITU estimate.
United Arab Emirates5261727578Population 14-74.Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
United Kingdom68.8275.178.3983.5685Population age 16-74.Eurostat. Eurostat.
United States68.9375747879For 2010 data,, viewed March 24, 2011Federal Communications Commission
Uruguay29.43439.341.843.35Source: Radar. Total population.Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones
Uzbekistan6.397.499.117.120ITU estimate.
Venezuela15.2220.8325.8831.235.63Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
Viet Nam17.2520.7623.9226.5527.56Ministry of Information and Communications
Wallis and Futuna7.337.958.228.48
Yemen1.255.06.899.9610.85ITU estimate.
Zambia4.164.875.556.316.74ITU estimate.
Zimbabwe9.7910.8511.411.3611.5Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
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