This maps shows global software piracy.
- World Software Commercial Value of Unlicensed Software: US $51.4 billion in 2009 ($53 billion in 2008)
- World Software Piracy Rate: 43% in 2009 (41% in 2008)
The rate of global software piracy climbed to 43 percent in 2009; largely a result of exponential growth in the PC and software markets in higher piracy, fast growing markets. In 2009, for every $100 worth of legitimate software sold, an additional $75 worth of unlicensed software made its way onto the market. There was some progress in 2009 — software rates actually dropped in almost half of the countries examined in this year.
Despite the most significant global recession in over 20 years, 2009 proved to be a surprisingly good year in the fight against software piracy.
For more information about methodology and piracy equation please follow the refference link below
14 years ago