This chart shows top 100 baby boy names in England and Wales through 2010.
Oliver retained the top spot this year, with Jack still the second most popular baby name. Charlie rose two places to number five, William climbed up one to number seven and George re-entered the top 10 at number nine, up from eleven last year. James fell one place to ten and Joshua dropped three places to number eight. Other non-movers in the top 10 were Harry, Alfie and Thomas.
Ollie showed the largest rise of any name in the top 100, rising from 115 in 2009 to 63 in 2010. The largest rise within the top 100 was Zachary, which jumped from number 67 to number 51, a rise of 16 places. There were six new names in the top 100: Ollie, Bobby, Caleb, Jenson, Dexter and Kayden; only Ollie (115), Dexter (125) and Jenson (143) were outside the top 110 in 2009.
Among baby boys, Alfie (up 53 to number four) was the highest climbing new entry to the top 10 since 2000, while Matthew (down 32 to number 41) fell the furthest from the 2000 top 10. Of all the names in the top 100 in 2010, Kayden, up 1,326 to number 99, was the highest climber over the 10-year period.
14 years ago