This chart shows top 100 baby girl names in England and Wales through 2010.
Olivia retained the top spot for the second year running. Among the top 10, Sophie rose three places to number two, Emily climbed one place to number three, Lily and Amelia climbed four places to number four and five respectively. Ruby and Chloe fell five spots each to numbers seven and eight respectively, while Grace fell two places to number nine. Other non-movers in the top 10 were Jessica and Evie. There were no new entries in the 2010 top 10 most popular names for baby girls in England and Wales.
Maisy, which rose 41 places from number 141 to 100 showed the largest rise of any name in the top 100. The largest rise within the top 100 was Lacey, which jumped from number 67 to number 36, a rise of 31 places. There were five new names in the top 100 this year: Annabelle, Eliza, Laila, Maryam and Maisy; only Eliza (119) and Maisy (141) were outside the top 110 in 2009.
Evie (up 111 to number 10) was the highest climbing new entry to the girls’ top 10 since 2000, while Lauren (down 64 to number 70) showed the biggest drop in popularity. Of all the names in the top 100 in 2010, Lexi, up 1,949 to number 47, was the highest climber over the 10-year period.
14 years ago