This interactive map shows current rankings by Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) performance index. Inward FDI Performance Index, which measures the amount of FDI that countries receive relative to the size of their economy (GDP).
A high rank means that foreign investors disinvest in that period.
What is the Inward FDI Performance Index?
The Inward FDI Performance Index captures a country's relative success in attracting global FDI. If a country's share of global inward FDI matches its relative share in global GDP, the country's Inward FDI Performance Index is equal to one. A value greater than one indicates a larger share of FDI relative to GDP; a value less than one indicates a smaller share of FDI relative to GDP. A negative value means foreign investors disinvested in that period. The index is calculated using three-year averages to offset annual fluctuations in the data
14 years ago