This map shows World Giving Index in 135 countries around the world. The World Giving Index allows us to establish a rounded view of charitable behaviour worldwide reflecting the fact that being charitable is about more than simply giving money.
What is the World Giving Index?
The "World Giving Index" is the first report of its kind looking at charitable behaviour across the world. Using data from Gallup's Worldview World Poll Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) looked at three different types of charitable behaviour – giving money, giving time and helping a stranger and used the results to produce the "World Giving Index".
How is the World Giving Index calculated?
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) used data from Gallup's WorldView World Poll ( which is an ongoing research project carried out in 135 countries that together represent around 95% of the world's population. The survey asks three questions on charitable behaviour.
- donated money to an organisation?
- volunteered time to an organisation?
- helped a stranger, or someone they didn't know who needed help?
Respondents are over 15 years old and samples are probability-based.Surveys are carried out by telephone or face-to-face depending on the country's telephone coverage.
There is no single method to evaluate the contribution of individuals to society can be perfect. Different stakeholders will have different views on what data should be included and how it should be treated. The aim of this report has been to bring to light, for the first time, a truly global and credible dataset that gives an understanding of this vital subject in a robust, yet straightforward way.
10 years ago