This chart shows The Web Index By Country.
The World Wide Web Foundation is an organization dedicated to the improvement and availability of the World Wide Web.The World Wide Web Foundation is an organization dedicated to the improvement and availability of the World Wide Web. The formation of the organization was announced on September 14, 2008 by Tim Berners-Lee at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.. The organization launched on November 15, 2009. One of its former board members is former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
The mission of the organization is "to establish the open Web as a global public good and a basic right, ensuring that everyone can access and use it freely".The foundation works in two areas, A free and open Web and Open Democracy, to reach the objectives of the organization.
It publishes the Web Index with statistics for 86 selected countries.The organization is not related to the Open Web Foundation.
9 years ago