This chart shows current Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences ranked by gender. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded 67 Nobel Laur ...
This chart shows current Nuclear Electricity Generation worldwide.
Current Nuclear Electricity Generation: 2601 billion kWh from 436 nuclear power reactors
Not ...
This chart shows threatened species of plants in each Red List category in each country.
Number of threatened species of plants in 2008: 10962
Current Number o ...
This chart shows number of cinema screens in each country. Cinema screens include Indoor screens and Drive-in screens.
Number of cinema screens in the maj ...
This chart shows public expenditure in a given financial year on education as a percentage of GDP.
Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP gives ...
This chart shows world's top 10 best selling cigarette brands.
Even with increasing restrictions on marketing, tobacco companies continue to compete fiercely fo ...
This chart shows the Economic Freedom of the World seeks to measure the consistency of the institutions and economic policies of various countries around the wor ...
This chart shows Index of Economic Freedom around the world. The Index of Economic Freedom is a series of 10 economic measurements created by the Heritage Founda ...
This map shows number of new asylum-seeker applications launched from the country.
The number of new asylum-seeker applications launched: 827,323
An asylum-see ...
This map shows current worldwide uranium production from mines. A prominent use of uranium from mining is as fuel for nuclear power plants.
The worldwide product ...
This map shows six confederations recognised by FIFA which oversee the game in the different continents and regions of the world.
The International Federation of ...
This map shows groups for the 2010 FIFA World cup. The group was based on the October 2009 FIFA World Ranking.
Group selection procedure
There will be four pots ...
This map shows current worldwide Breast Cancer Age-standardised mortality rates. Breast cancer is by far the most frequent cancer among women with an estimated 1 ...
This map shows list of nations ranked by the medals won by their athletes during XIX Commonwealth Games 2010, held in New Delhi, India, from 3 October to 14 Octo ...