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  • Economic

    How Moody's, S&P and Fitch Rate Each Country's Credit Rating

    How Moody's, S&P and Fitch Rate Each Country's Cred ...

    This collection of interactive maps shows credit rating for each country. What is Credit Rating? A credit rating estimates the credit worthiness of an individu ...
    4.40 rating | 649,481 views | 17 Comments
    4 years ago
  • People

    Gender Inequality Index(GII)

    Gender Inequality Index(GII)

    This chart shows the Global Inequality Index(GII) by Country. The Gender Inequality Index (GII) reflects women’s disadvantage in three dimensions—re ...
    4.15 rating | 164,663 views | 11 Comments
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Political Stability and Absence of Violence/terrorism

    Political Stability and Absence of Violence/terrorism

    This map shows "Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by ...
    3.90 rating | 26,097 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Government Effectiveness

    Government Effectiveness

    This map shows "Government Effectiveness", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which refle ...
    4.45 rating | 21,266 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Voice and Accountability

    Voice and Accountability

    This map shows "Voice and Accountability", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which refle ...
    3.67 rating | 24,548 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Control of Corruption

    Control of Corruption

    This map shows "Control of Corruption", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which reflects ...
    4.38 rating | 18,422 views | 1 Comment
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Rule of Law

    Rule of Law

    This map shows "Rule of Law", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which reflects perceptio ...
    4.24 rating | 14,144 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Society

    Regulatory Quality

    Regulatory Quality

    This map shows "Regulatory Quality", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which reflects pe ...
    4.43 rating | 10,812 views | Discuss this
    8 years ago
  • Health

    Global Hunger Index

    Global Hunger Index

    This map shows Global Hunger Index (GHI) for 128 developing countries. The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool adapted and further developed by the Internationa ...
    3.93 rating | 87,111 views | 5 Comments
    8 years ago
  • Economic

    Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)

    Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)

    This map classifies all World Bank member economies and all other economies with populations of more than 30,000 for operational and analytical purposes. Economi ...
    4.43 rating | 471,035 views | 15 Comments
    8 years ago
  • Population

    Current World Population

    Current World Population

    This map shows an estimate from the US Bureau of the Census based on statistics from population censuses, vital statistics registration systems, or sample survey ...
    4.17 rating | 24,194 views | Discuss this
    9 years ago
  • Tourism

    Top 10 Most Visited Countries by Tourists in 2014

    Top 10 Most Visited Countries by Tourists in 2014

    Out of a global total of 1.133 billion tourists, the top ten international tourism destinations in 2014 are shown in the above chart. Note: Images are for refer ...
    4.50 rating | 65,638 views | Discuss this
    9 years ago
  • Country Info

    Current Head of Government by Country

    Current Head of Government by Country

    This map shows Current Head of Government in every country. What is Head of Government? Head of government is the chief officer of the executive branch of a go ...
    3.85 rating | 66,969 views | 16 Comments
    9 years ago
  • Social

    Freedom in the World

    Freedom in the World

    This map shows Freedom in the World in 2015. Free: 89 countries Partly Free: 54 countries Not Free: 42 countries Worst of the Worst: 9 countries ...
    3.94 rating | 172,095 views | Discuss this
    9 years ago
  • Social

    Global Peace Index - 2015

    Global Peace Index - 2015

    This map shows the Global Peace Index (GPI) rankings for the 162 countries around the world in indicators covering crime, terrorism, government, democracy and re ...
    4.35 rating | 173,878 views | 26 Comments
    9 years ago
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