This chart shows Law School Diversity Index by Country.
A law school is an institution specializing in legal education, usually involved as part of a process for becoming a lawyer within a given jurisdiction.Some schools offer a Master of Laws program as a way of specializing in a particular area of law. A further possible degree is the academic doctoral degree in law of Doctor of Juridical Science or the Doctor of Laws in Canada, or the Ph.D. in Law from European or Australasian universities.
In addition to attending law school, many jurisdictions require law school graduates to pass a state or provincial bar examination before they may practice law. The Multistate Bar Examination is part of the bar examination in almost all United States jurisdictions. Generally, the standardized, common law subject matter of the MBE is combined with state-specific essay questions to produce a comprehensive bar examination.
In other common law countries the bar exam is often replaced by a period of work with a law firm known as articles of clerkship.
9 years ago