This chart shows current worldwide illicit cultivation of coca bush and production of cocaine.
- Total area under coca bush cultivation: 158,800 hectares (ha)
- Potential cocaine production1: ~850 metric tons
The global area under coca cultivation decreased by 5% from 167,600 ha in 2008 to 158,800 ha in 2009, mainly due to a significant decrease in Colombia, which was not offset by increases in Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. This is about the same level of cultivation as during the period 2003 to 2006. Colombia remained the country with the largest area under coca cultivation but the distance to the second largest, Peru, has shrunk due to two consecutive years of decreases in Colombia and increases in Peru over the same period.
For more information please follow the reference link below.
Note: 1 - Potential cocaine production refers to the amount of 100% pure cocaine that could be produced if all coca leaves harvested from an area under coca cultivation in one year were processed into cocaine, based on the information on cocaine alkaloid content of coca leaves and efficiency of clandestine laboratories.
Updated: Latest year available.
15 years ago