This chart shows current oil consumption (per capita) in the world.
Current Oil Consumption in the World: 31.1 barrels per day (bbl/day) per 1,000 people
1 b ...
This map shows the total number of winners of the Nobel Prize and the Prize in Economic Sciences. The Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences has been aw ...
The time series shows the combined global land and ocean surface temperature record from 1880 to present, with the base period 1951-1980.
How data were collecte ...
This map shows laws prohibiting same sex activity between consenting adults around the world.
Legal - male to male relationships: 118 countries
Legal ...
This map shows current countries with the adult population in the world. Adult population means the distribution of the population in age group 15-64 years.
Cur ...
This map shows public expenditure in a given financial year on military as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP).
Current world military expenditure: roug ...
This map shows "Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by ...
This map shows contribution of proteins in total dietary consumption.
World: 11%
Developed countries: 12%
Developing World: 11%
Sub-Saharan Africa: 10%
This map shows 2010 Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The LPI is a benchmarking tool created to help countries identify the challenges and opportunities they fa ...
This chart shows current Oil reserves in the world.
Current Oil reserves in the World: 1,248,795,488,139 barrels (bbl) (42 US gallons, 158.9873 litres,or 34.9723 ...
This chart shows Index of Economic Freedom around the world. The Index of Economic Freedom is a series of 10 economic measurements created by the Heritage Founda ...
The Bribe Payer's Index (BPI) measures the tendency of firms from top exporting countries to pay bribes or make undocumented payments while conducting busine ...