This chart shows current Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences ranked by gender. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded 67 Nobel Laur ...
This chart shows top 100 baby boy names in England and Wales through 2010.
Oliver retained the top spot this year, with Jack still the second most popular baby ...
This map shows countries whose citizens have flown in space.
Since the first human spaceflight by the Soviet Union (12 April 1961), citizens of 38 countries hav ...
This map list of 2010 Commonwealth Games participating nations. The Commonwealth Games is an international, multi-sport event which is held every four years and ...
This map shows: How long can you be sued for a bad debt in America?
"Statute of limitations" refers to the amount of time that can pass after some sort ...
This chart shows the historical Natural Gas Consumption - 1965 onwards.
List of countries included in each region:
North America includes United States,Cana ...
This map shows percentage of people that are 'Ever Married' in a particular year, either latest available or one that has the complete data.
'Ever m ...
This map shows singulate mean age at marriage (SMAM), that is the average length of single life expressed in years among those who marry before age 50.
This chart shows the historical Natural Gas Production - 1970 onwards.
List of countries included in each region:
North America includes United States,Canad ...
This interactive map shows status of an international treaty (Convention on Cluster Munitions) that prohibits the manufacture, use, transfer and stockpile of clu ...