This map shows length of land boundaries border countries in each country.
The total length of land boundaries in the world: 251,060 km
This entry contains the t ...
This map shows length of coastline in each country.
The total length of coastline in the world: 356,000 km
This entry gives the total length of the boundary be ...
This map shows Human Development Index (HDI) for 169 countries in the World.
Update for 2010
What is Human Development Index?
The Human Development Index (HDI ...
This map shows the Prosperity Index for 110 countries.
2010 Key Findings:
Entrepreneurship and opportunity correlate more closely to a nation's overall pros ...
This map shows laws prohibiting same sex activity between consenting adults around the world.
Legal - male to male relationships: 118 countries
Legal ...
This map shows 2010-2011 Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) in 139 major and emerging economies from all of the world's regions. The GCI, a highly comprehensive ...
This map shows the result of one question about environment: Would you give part of your income for the environment from the World Values Survey (WVS).
What is ...
This map shows national estimates of the percentage of the population falling below the poverty line.
Definitions of poverty vary considerably among nations. For ...
This chart shows alcohol consumption among adults aged ≥ 15 years in litres per person per year.
Current worldwide alcohol consumption among adults: 6.13 lit ...
This map shows worldwide distribution of most consumed alcoholic (beer, wine, spirits or other alcoholic) beverages, in litres of pure alcohol.
Key findings for ...
This map shows software piracy rates.
World Software Piracy Rate: 43% in 2009 (41% in 2008)
The rate of global software piracy climbed to 43 percent in 2009; l ...
This map shows 2011 United States Peace Index.
Key findings:
First-ever ranking of peace in the U.S. shows the nation has become more peaceful since 1995
Repo ...
This map shows the number of endangered languages in each country.
Total number of endangered languages in the world: 3074
Vulnerable: 725
Definitely endang ...
This chart shows smoke point of different Cooking Oils.
The smoke point generally refers to the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to break down t ...