This chart shows current worldwide annual prevalence of cannabis in population aged 15-64.
Number of people who used cannabis at least once in year: 142.6 - 190. ...
This map shows current worldwide carbon dioxide(CO₂) emissions per person from the consumption of energy. Data includes emissions due to the consumption of pet ...
This chart shows current christianity adherents by Country. Christianity includes Roman Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Anglicans and Other Christianity.
Numb ...
This map shows national rainfall index (NRI).
Waht is National Rainfall Index (NRI)?
A national rainfall index (NRI) is defined as the national average of the ...
This map shows total water withdrawal for agricultural, industrial and municipal purposes by country. Water withdrawal is the quantity of water removed from avai ...
This map shows worldwide human sex ratio for 15-64 Years. Sex ratio is the number of males for each female.
Current world sex ratio for 15-64 Years: 1.02:1 male ...
This map shows list of countries in which films of the James Bond series have been set and filmed. The James Bond film series is a series of motion pictures, bas ...
This map shows worldwide lifetime alcohol abstention, which is the opposite of alcohol consumption.
Current world lifetime abstention: 45% (men: 35%; women:55%) ...
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for 213 economies, for six dimensions of governance:
This interactive map shows existence of a national law on seat-belt use among car occupants.
A seat belt or seatbelt, sometimes called a safety belt, is a safet ...
This map shows total renewable water resources by country. It corresponds to the maximum theoretical yearly amount of water actually available for a country at a ...
This map shows current world infant mortality rate. Infant mortality rate means the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live ...
This world map shows Number of Fixed Telephone Lines by Country, per 100 people.
Current worldwide number of fixed telephone lines: 17.2 per 100 people (2010)