This map shows dietary energy consumption per person. The dietary energy consumption per person is the amount of food, in kcal per day, for each individual in th ...
This chart shows total surface area of earth.
Total surface area of earth: 510,072,000 sq km
Total water surface area: 70.8% (361,132,000 sq km)
Tot ...
This map shows contribution of carbohydrates in total dietary energy consumption.
World: 63%
Developed countries: 53%
Developing World: 67%
Sub-Saharan Afr ...
This map shows international measuring system of units and the chronology of the advance of metric usage around the world.
Only three countries - Burma, Liberia ...
This map shows current member states of the European Union by their year of entry. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states ...
This map shows local emergency telephone numbers around the world. Emergency telephone number systems are simply telephone equipment that routes calls to the nea ...
This map shows worldwide retail prices of gasoline (in US cents per litre) in more than 183 countries. Gasoline (also known as a petrol) refer to super gasoline ...
This map shows the distribution of researchers per million inhabitants, latest available year. Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creatio ...
This chart shows current major religions of the world ranked by number of adherents.
Note: Click any religion(slice) to view worldwide distribution of that parti ...
This chart shows alcohol consumption among adults aged ≥ 15 years in litres per person per year.
Current worldwide alcohol consumption among adults: 6.13 lit ...
This map shows the largest oil spills in history (1901 to Present), from tanker accidents and drilling operations, as well as a number of other notable spills. A ...
This map show Mother's Day celebration dates around the world. The Mother's Day is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in May, t ...