Electricity consumption per capita measures the average kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electrical power generated per person in a particular country or region.
Note: E ...
This map shows the estimated number of Tuberculosis(TB) cases arising in a given time period (expressed here as rate per 100 000 population/year). All forms of T ...
This map shows the total number of winners of the Nobel Prize and the Prize in Economic Sciences. The Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences has been aw ...
This map shows percentage of people that are 'Currently Married' in a particular year, either latest available or one that has the complete data.
'C ...
This map shows percentage of people that are 'Ever Married' in a particular year, either latest available or one that has the complete data.
'Ever m ...
This map shows singulate mean age at marriage (SMAM), that is the average length of single life expressed in years among those who marry before age 50.
This map shows current world population growth rate.
Current World Population Growth Rate: 1.092% (2011 est.)
Population growth is the change in a population o ...
This map shows "Voice and Accountability", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which refle ...
This map shows "Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by ...
This map shows "Government Effectiveness", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which refle ...
This map shows "Regulatory Quality", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which reflects pe ...
This map shows "Rule of Law", a dimension of governances in Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project by World Bank Group, which reflects perceptio ...