This map shows U.S. Peace Index: Changes in Peacefulness 1991 - 2009.
First-ever ranking of peace in the U.S. shows the nation has become more peaceful since 19 ...
This map shows Number of jailed population per 100,000 people rank in United States Peace Index (USPI) 2011.
Number of jailed population per 100,000 people rank ...
This map shows 2010 Official Development Assistance by OECD member countries. 41 years ago (in 1969) rich countries promised to give 0.7 per cent of their income ...
This world map shows Number of Fixed Telephone Lines by Country.
Current worldwide number of fixed telephone lines: 1,189,498,900 (2010)
1,198,175,620 (2009)
This map shows countries whose citizens have flown in space.
Since the first human spaceflight by the Soviet Union (12 April 1961), citizens of 38 countries hav ...
This map shows current countries with the adult population in the world. Adult population means the distribution of the population in age group 15-64 years.
Cur ...
This map shows Freedom of the Press around the world.
Free: 69 (35%) countries
Partly Free: 64 (33%) countries
Not Free: 63 (32%) countries
What is Freed ...
This map shows list of countries by total length and types of pipelines for transporting products like natural gas, crude oil, or petroleum products.
World Tota ...
This map shows current world infant mortality rate. Infant mortality rate means the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live ...